
Environment Analyst Ranks Woodard & Curran in Top 30 Environmental & Sustainability Firms

Woodard & Curran ranks 22 in Environment Analyst’s industry rankings of the global top environmental and sustainability consulting firms. The firm was recognized in the organization’s annual Global Environmental & Sustainability (E&S) Consulting Strategies & Market Assessment covering fiscal year 2020-2021, published in late August 2022. The report offers in-depth analysis of the value, dynamics, and segmentation of the global E&S consultancy sector.

Environment Analyst (EA) is an international membership community for the environmental services space, built around market intelligence. Its analysts help examine market opportunities in the environmental sector, bring together business leaders and practitioners in peer-to-peer networks, and share news and insight with member companies.

EA’s rankings are based on project revenue related specifically to environmental and sustainability consulting, which it defines as business activity that: “Provides specialist technical, management, risk and strategic advisory services to help organizations understand, manage, and limit their impacts, to protect and enhance the environment and society in line with the UN SDGs.” Woodard & Curran submitted revenue for consideration related to climate change and energy, environmental compliance, impact assessment, contaminated site assessment and remediation, and water and waste management services.

“Being identified in the Global Top 30 is a recognition of the success we have created for so many clients across the country and, in some cases, across the globe,” said Dave MacDonald, Business Development Leader. “That success has also resulted in our growth to a top level of competition in a group of the premier firms in the world by providing sustainable solutions in water and the environment. While our people and clients already know this, being listed in the Global Top 30 will help other potential clients and team members become more familiar with Woodard & Curran and our vision to help create a more sustainable future.”

The firm’s top-30 ranking aligns with strategic expansion of Woodard & Curran’s engineering, operations and consulting services for climate change, sustainability, and business continuity. Environmental trends in temperature, water, weather, and ecosystems are expected to drive market opportunities in these service lines. As governments and private industry respond to these challenges by committing to ambitious carbon targets and sustainable infrastructure adaptations, Woodard & Curran is poised to meet the growing demand for the environmental solutions necessary to achieve them.

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