The signature project of former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, converting Ferry Point from a landfill to a park space was a huge undertaking that required importing a tremendous amount of clean fill material to the site, all of which needed to be carefully managed. To accomplish this, all fill being brought into the site was checked upon arrival for contaminants, and all fill materials were then tracked through a WebGIS system on integrated mobile devices.
One of the requirements of the project was that the project owner, New York City Department of Parks and Recreation (NYCDPR), ensure that only clean fill was brought in. On a project where more than 200 acres of fill would be needed, this was no small task. This required managing fill and cover soil by reviewing soil sources for known past contaminants as well as performing visual and chemical inspections on-site. We were responsible for monitoring all construction permit responsibilities for the client—New York City Department of Parks and Recreation (NYCDPR)—ensuring the client was in compliance with all applicable environmental permits, and performing independent erosion and sediment control inspections during construction of Ferry Point Park.
We also uploaded all fill data collected at the site during testing to a state of the art WebGIS system, which made it possible to define fill location and quantity as well as link photos and other information to each location for use in reporting. This system was integrated into the overall project website, proving a useful tool for all project stakeholders to be able to view data updates on a daily basis.