Investigation and Remedial Action for New Jersey Brownfield

A confidential client in New Jersey owns a 7-acre site with numerous historical operations, including metals recycling, fuel oil storage, coal storage, and asphalt manufacturing. While the site’s primary soil contaminant of concern is polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) that were likely associated with former metal recycling operations, other widespread soil contaminants were also identified across the site.

The site became vacant in 2002, and several environmental consultants had conducted prior site investigations that identified benzene and lead, metals, polynuclear hydrocarbons (PAHs), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and PCBs exceeding NJDEP standards. Our assessment of site soils included additional characterization and delineation of onsite soils where contaminants had been identified previously and an evaluation of the types of contaminants found at surrounding sites from NJDEP files.


Beyond the site characterization, our team was responsible for making sure the interim remedial measures were carried out at this site in a way that would allow it to be safe for reuse. These involved excavating and removing hot spot areas with high concentrations of contaminants. Approximately 6,750 tons of impacted soils were excavated and transported off-site for disposal, and close to 73,870 gallons of contaminated water and light non-aqueous phase liquids were collected and transported off-site for disposal and/or treatment. Groundwater investigations and monitoring conducted after implementation of the interim remedial measure showed a substantial decrease in ground water contaminant concentrations.

Once the excavation phase was complete, areas of the site were backfilled and an engineering control constructed using clean material that was reviewed and approved by an in-house New Jersey Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP). Groundwater monitoring wells were installed for long-term groundwater monitoring that will be required to evaluate the protectiveness of the remedial actions going forward. Additionally, our engineers provided administrative and project management support to the client to ensure the project was completed effectively and efficiently and stayed on track from both a project timeline and regulatory standpoint. Anticipated remedial strategies that will support productive reuse of the site include a Deed Notice with an engineering control for soil, and monitored natural attenuation with the establishment of a Classification Exception Area for groundwater.

Confidential Client

New Jersey



Paul Norian, Mark Pietrucha

Areas of Focus

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