The City of Troy, MO was at a critical juncture in the design life of its treatment facilities and its obligations under an Order for Compliance on Consent. One of its facilities was nearing the end of its useful life and the other wasn’t performing to its design capacity. Our thorough review of both facilities provided the basis to clarify the plant and sewer system’s detailed capital needs and positioned the City well for funding opportunities, including the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Clean Water State Revolving Fund program.
When preparing the facility plan for the City, our team focused on delivering practical solutions that would contribute to a reliable, resilient, and cost effective system. Keeping the costs of operation, maintenance, and refurbishment as well as the impact that raising rates could have on the community in mind, we performed the condition assessment and prioritized improvements while keeping open lines of communication with City staff, elected leaders, and plant operators and maintenance staff.
The City of Troy facilities evaluation was performed with a holistic perspective of the entire system, focusing on sustainable infrastructure and looking at both the short- and long-term needs of the treatment plants, collection system, and community.
The completed Facility Plan includes a review of several biological treatment alternatives that would allow one of the City’s WWTFs to be decommissioned, directing flow to the other plant, which required upgrades to successfully treat the City’s entire sanitary wastewater flow. Treatment alternatives were evaluated in the Facility Plan based on their relationship to permit compliance, reliability, energy consumption and savings, overall economics, and the specific needs of the City. The plan provides solutions that will effectively accomplish the goal of eliminating untreated bypasses and permit violations, which have occurred previously at the City’s remaining WWTF. In addition to providing improved treatment performance, the plan’s recommendations increase overall reliability and operability for the City’s wastewater department staff.