National Practice Leader / Drinking Water
Rob is a Senior Principal and National Practice Leader with over two decades of experience in the evaluation, planning, design, and construction of water works facilities. He has worked on a wide variety of projects ranging from hydraulic modeling, distribution system analysis, and infrastructure planning to water treatment facility, pumping station, storage tank, and water main evaluation and design. His experience includes numerous roles as both Project Manager and Technical Specialist on water system improvement projects with particular expertise in surface and groundwater treatment, hydraulics and construction. In September 2021, Rob was elected to serve as one of the Massachusetts State Directors on the New England Water Works Association Board of Directors for a three-year term.
I enjoy helping clients solve technical challenges and finding opportunities to develop the financial resources to get projects done. In my role, I’ve been able to guide clients in satisfying the complexities of current and known future drinking water regulations and permitting obligations and to help quickly meet regulatory requirements.